How Quickly I Forget...

Friday, July 13, 2007
Today, I've been at LAX (Los Angeles airport) for a lot longer than i would like to have been. A few things have surprised me though...things that I once knew but had forgotten...
  • People really are bigger here, cliche i know, but being in America i can definitely see a difference with Australia
  • Tipping is mandatory again...i ate at a restaurant and filled out a credit card form and there was a line for me to add the tip
  • Snapple is back! (Snapple is a brand that does mostly iced tea and some juices)
  • Heinz ketchup is on the don't have to ask for it and it is Ketchup, not tomato sauce!
  • The GingerAle is less gingery and more watery...I liked the Australian one better