Insane Troll Logic? Warning, this one is very rambly!

Ok, so, when i was in uni (aka university) i had a friend who used to make fun of me for using what she called Christie Logic. Apparently, Christie Logic is somehow different from normal logic, or maybe she was actually trying to send me a (not so?) subtle message meaning that it wasn't really logic at all. A few months later i came to japan. Well a friend here told me that i follow Insane Troll Logic. I'm not quite sure what has brought this up recently but i am thinking it is not such a bad thing. For one thing, troll's don't really seem sane to me in the first place, so being an insane troll might be better than being a regular everday (insane) troll. I mean, hey maybe what it really seems is that my logic is as normalish as logic can be (although i don't think that was what was meant!). And then the Christie Logic thing, well, since I am me i dont really think that should be such a bad thing. So, conclusion...well, maybe i am more logical than previously thought...
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