Well, it is the new year, in fact, it is a whole week into the new year...seems appropriate for me to do a new year post a week in I think. Walking down the street the other day, it suddenly occured to me that I hadn't made a new years resolution. But the more I thought about it, the more I didn't like the idea, it is a good idea in theory, promising to do something to become a better person. And it's not that I don't think I could improve, because i'm pretty sure there are countless things I could do better. It's just that I have never been able to keep New Years resolutions and so making a promise so that in a month or two I can forget and give up doesn't seem like much good. So, no resolutions for me this year!
Last night, I watched Marie Antoinette...an interesting movie, though not entirely what I expected. I came out of it with very mixed feelings...I don't know much about MA but even the stuff I do know wasn't in there! It was a very pretty film though, and the shoes and dresses were so much fun! I wish they hadn't tried to throw the historical stuff in at the end, cause I think they missed most of the story that went with it. I could have really liked it as a self-indulgent pretty film based on very little reality. But, who knows, maybe it will spark historical interest and encourage people to find out a little more about her, just as i'm sure Baz Luhrmann did with his version of Romeo and Juliet.