Rooftop Cinema

Cinema is Melbourne is amazing! Toronto can't even try to compete! Yesterday, I went to Rooftop Cinema. It is held on the rooftop of a 6 storey building. We saw Zoolander, classic funness!

The evening started shortly after 7 when I met up with a few friends, we then climbed flights of stairs which was generally excrutiating, but, once at the top was fully worth it. On the roof there was a bar and mini grill, so we grabbed some grub, and drinks and chilled for a bit. A few more drinks later it was finally dusk (9:15ish) and so the movie started.

Maybe just as exciting as being on a roof watching a movie was the fact that we got to sit in super comfy (but very difficult to get out of gracefully) lawnchairs on astroturf. It just doesn't get any cooler than that. Luckily the rooftop cinema kids knew it might get a little nippy at night, so warm fleecy blankets were available for borrowing, and only cost a $5 donation to the city mission, which anyone really could feel good about!

The only thing that was missing was the popcorn, but, I don't know that I blame them for off the astroturf would have to be difficult!

So, new business idea, maybe I should take this back to Toronto, only in the summer I know, but thats ok! Anyone know of any good rooftops?

Pictures, from top to bottom

1. The screen, with dusky clouds as a background!
2. The view from my lawnchair...the city and movie screen
3. The view from the bar
4. The rooftop bar
5. Lawnchairs, yay! And astroturf you can't really see...
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At 10:17 p.m., Blogger Christie said...

Picky picky...though, i'd almost agree, but, the elevator was out and we had to walk up 6 flights of stairs...i don't think i would have made it to the other one!    

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