The Infamous Christie Lowe

So, to some of the people i'm working with now, this is how i'm known...kinda funny...being infamous is maybe the first step when trying to take over the world...and if thats the case, then well, i'm on the right track, yay me!
This week was a funnish one, i was in Ottawa, and working as a ground rep, this meant that i wasn't touring with kids, i was an in-city rep to help the other guides with trouble shooting and to chat up teachers and make sure all is going well. So, first night in the city, was meeting a group for dinner and to help them out a bit and went up to one of the teachers an introduced myself...and he said "ya, i remember you, you were our guide a couple years ago" and i thought oh, ok, maybe...didn't remember him at all though (I have the worst memory!). A little later i was introducing myself to another teacher, i got as far as to say, "I'm..." and he jumped in and said, "Christie, i remember you from 3 years ago". And i kinda did recognize him...funny funny had been 3 years since i was a tour guide, i didn't think anyone would have remembered me!
This isn't the first time this has happened to me...I can't often remember faces, pretty much never names...but i'm still pretty bad at remembering people that i have only met once or in passing in general. Why is this? How does my memory not work so that i neglect to make connections and remember deatils! I'm always the first to admit that i have a horrible short term memory, i am a constant list maker and always have to have a whiteboard in my room to write things on, i dont count on myself to remember anything! My computer has this great little exterior harddrive...not much bigger than my hand and it stores and remembers all my music, why can't we make exterior hard drives...kinda like an attachmenty thingy to help your brain gotta work on that!
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At 11:32 a.m., Blogger Tracy said...

Whoah. Whoah. Whoah!!!!!!

You can't steal my name like that. I'm the INFAMOUS TRACY LOWE.... and you stealing that and adapting it to you is not cool. You can be memorable, notable, or even elusive... but infamous, i'm sorry, that's taken.

for reaction and counter argument please see    

At 12:19 p.m., Blogger Christie said...

Sorry Tracy, I so should have thought of that, but i totally forgot that you use that. However, I think you need to know that it wasn't me who started was given to me, you could even say assigned...i walked into work one day, introduced my self as "christie" and was greeted with, "So you're the infamous Christie Lowe!"...I hate to burst your bubble but i didn't choose the name, it chose me...    

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