Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Went out, took a different route home, thought i might walk down the street behind mine, then through the little alleyway to my house, so i did. When i got to our house, i walked up the driveway, just about to open the gate to go to the side door which leads to our apartement when i saw a strange man there. Oops, I thought, I must have the wrong house...so i turned around walked down the driveway and half a block away realized it really was the right house all along...I really do have to learn not to doubt myself.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
She said she cried at least once each day, not because she was sad but because the world was so beautiful and life was so short.Today was sad...but a bittersweet kinda sad, i didn't cry, i was proud of myself for that. My first month teaching at my job here in Toronto is finished...we had a farewell lunch and graduation ceremony, this means alot of students are leaving. This month I taught an advanced reading and writing course, my students were fantastic...The standards were set high, but, with a lot of hard work, determination and effort on everyone's part they all passed! After spending 2 and a half hours together every afternoon for the past month needless to say everyone became quite attached...I'm gonna miss them alot...a few are continuing into the next level but most are going back to thier home countries...it's good to see them succeed, but sad to know it means i won't be teaching them anymore...bittersweet...
Sunday, September 11, 2005
I have recently been accused of not having any stories so not posting, but in fact the trouble is that i just am not good at the posting part with my stories so anyhow here is a little story from the other day just to show that i do indeed have more stories than i might have previously indicated on this blog...
So, some of my students greet me with a "Hello Teacher"...i'm not sure why, maybe they feel strange using first names or maybe they just don't bother to learn our names, but anyhow so one of my students, is always particularily smiley and happy as he greets me with a bouncy, "Hello Teacher!" so, i have taken to responding, "Hello Student!"...A couple of days later, i walk into class and he is wisely telling another student, "She doesn't like being called teacher, she likes to be called Christie"...point taken i guess! :)
Walk five mins and i'm at the bank, 1 more min and i'm at a grocery store having passed 3 friut markets, a couple of coffee shops, several restaurants serving brunch, and quite a few fun stores, stop by one of the fruit markets on the way back. Come home to sun, a couple of fish, missing roommates (who should be back soon, yay!) and a reasonably big kitchen to cook bruch for some friends and roommies. Why would anyone want to live anywhere else?