Loving it!
Walk five mins and i'm at the bank, 1 more min and i'm at a grocery store having passed 3 friut markets, a couple of coffee shops, several restaurants serving brunch, and quite a few fun stores, stop by one of the fruit markets on the way back. Come home to sun, a couple of fish, missing roommates (who should be back soon, yay!) and a reasonably big kitchen to cook bruch for some friends and roommies. Why would anyone want to live anywhere else?
Hmmm..perhaps if the person is allergic to "fun stores", they might not wish to live there because they wouldn't be able to go to the grocery store.
I've never heard of anyone allergic to fun stores yet...i think that would be more of an excuse than an allergy!
I'm pretty sure it's an actual allergy. Perhaps the allergy only pertains to your definition of "fun stores". I think there might've been an old episode of the Jacquie & Julie show devoted to that particular allergy and the suffering of those with that allergy.
hmmm, I dont seem to recall that show, but well, that doesn't mean much, i might have tuned out all the stuff i didn't like so much...which come to think about it might have been most of the shows, humourous as they were!
Well, I remember the show, even if you tuned it out. And I'm pretty sure that some people could be allergic to the odd "fun" store. I know I would certainly get a headache if I had to hang around shopping for beads for half an hour, and that certainly sounds like an allergic reaction to me... I say this in all kindness, of course.
Oh yes, I'm sure headaches are one of the symptoms of this particular allergy.
*innocent look*
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